At some point or other I signed up for emails about jobs from artshub.
It is a website providing information about jobs in the arts. Today there was 23 music jobs listed. However, only 3 of those jobs were actually for musicians. All the other jobs were for interns, directors, admin assistants and all sorts of other titles that did not include the words musician or composer.

I am guessing that pretty much all of these posts are government funded. I also realise that all these people do contribute to making music happen, but I mean like , 3 out of 23 seems to be a bit lop sided, don’t you think?

3 thoughts on “Music jobs

  1. I agree it does seem lop sided but, if we did not have administrators etc then it would be harder to have a lot of music projects take shape.

    I meet so many talented musos- especially in the community music field- and a lot of amazing project ideas that I hear about don’t surface because of the paper work.

    I signed up to artsjobsonline and get similar things happening.

  2. Sorry Bobby, I’ve been distracted from blogging by things that will soon be blogged about.

    Of course your right about the need for administrators and often it is musicians who get those jobs. Thus enabling them to make a living alongside their music making activities.

    However, I think there is a general problem in our culture about giving money to musicians. This goes from people in pubs putting £2 in the jukebox but huffing at paying £1 to see a band to venues and clubs that balk at the idea of giving performers a fair wage. I think this is also reflected in arts council funding.

    The music budget covers a wide range of positions and activities even paying for buildings (how much money for architecture turns into music making?). I would be interested to learn how much of that actually makes its way into the hands of actual musicians for the sole purpose of making music.

    Fortunately in Birmingham we have some very good organisations that support musicians in their goals and ideas. However there are others that would have you painting their house after a gig for £1ph.
    I am sure like me you know many musicians who are struggling to get by, basically I just feel it would be nice to see them have an easier time and more opportunities.

    We don’t need the paperwork we just need the coordination.

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