The other night my girlfriend and I rented Taxidermia on DVD. It is described by Bizarre magazine as “One of the biggest head-fucks ever committed to celluloid”. And indeed it is a most gross and disturbing movie watching experience. But at the same time it is colourful, beautiful, hilarious and inspiring.

This is the second Hungarian movie I have watched recently, the first being Kontroll and both have been quite amazing. Although Taxidermia really is in a league of its own. There is much screaming and eye covering from the viewer throughout and at the end you sort of feel like you are emerging from a bout of the norovirus.

I recommend this highly but be warned it is not for the nervous, blinkered or easily offended.

I intend to blog good art finds this year firstly to keep a note of stuff I enjoyed and also in the hope of making contact with folks of similar tastes. Please comment back if you watch Taxidermia, I’d love to know what you think.